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We are an online magazine yet publish a bit like a record label-periodically. We try to group articles and submissions by theme when it makes sense to do so. Articles are always about feminism, innovation, enterprise and critiques of policies and systems that drive inequality.  We are trans inclusive and intersectional feminists-full stop.

We receive a lot of queries.  So be patient.  We also fill our spots about three months in advance.  So, if it’s September, we are likely looking for January features at that time.

LiisBeth/ welcomes queries from professional and emerging feminist writers and artists anywhere along the gender continuum. We prioritize submissions from womxn, trans, queer-identified writers, community voices and journalists.


Varies per article. 

We prioritize queries from creators who believe in our mission by demonstrating they have actually read a few articles in the magazine before submitting a query, or who are members of the Feminist Enterprise Commons, and/or become newsletter subscribers (it’s free).


Our 2500+ newsletter subscribers, 3500/month unique online readers and 14 000 social media followers span the gender and age spectrum (25% of our online audience are male) but are primarily women/women-identified feminist entrepreneurs, 25-55 years old, who self -identify as feminist or feminist curious, and are interested in operating transformational enterprises. LiisBeth readers are well-educated, informed lifelong learners who are concerned about social justice, the role of gender bias in our economy, racism, rising economic inequality and the environment. They are interested in imagining a gender and eco-just world and figuring out ways to get us there.

We’re interested in variety of types of content in any format including critical analysis, personal essays, cartoons, photo essays, short video reports and podcasts.  We are also interested in promoting and disseminating new research findings. In terms of geographical focus, we aim for a content balance of 20% Canadian, 60% North American, and 20% International.

We enjoy quality writing that is highly readable and creative. We encourage writers to tackle big and even controversial ideas but do so with wit, style, balance, and respect.  We are not an “angry” platform. Profanity – in context and if required – is acceptable.

Examples of the type of stories or themes we are particularly interested in this year: 


  • We generally do not accept previously published or finished works (i.e.: blog posts). Do not send full manuscripts or works please. 
  • We do not generally accept completed works or queries that are currently being considered by other publications.
  • If you want to pitch a story, we need a query or idea summary which includes a brief summary (150-250 words) plus the opening paragraph or nutgraph, who you plan to interview, and how you plan to go about researching for the piece (if appropriate). If you are new to us, please also send a sample of previously published or your best work from your blog or website.
  • If the idea is intriguing, we will want to engage with you to develop the idea further.   We’ll talk about your intended approach, length, and other relevant things. Please don’t send a whole manuscript to start.
  • If we accept your query, we will contact you to finalize story details and then send you a contract.  Once that is signed, the piece is officially commissioned.
  • Send queries and pitches and questions to [email protected] 
  • Include the word QUERY in the subject line.  This will increase speed of response.
  • We receive a high volume of article queries and regret that we cannot guarantee a timely response in every case. We will on average get back to you in 14 days.

To download our contributor guidelines in full, click here: CONTRIBUTOR-GUIDELINES-JANUARY-2020



We are an online magazine yet publish a bit like a record label-periodically. We try to group articles and submissions by theme when it makes sense to do so. Articles are always about feminism, innovation, enterprise and critiques of policies and systems that drive inequality.  We are trans inclusive and intersectional feminists-full stop.

We receive a lot of queries.  So be patient.  We also fill our spots about three months in advance.  So, if it’s September, we are likely looking for January features at that time.

LiisBeth/ welcomes queries from professional and emerging feminist writers and artists anywhere along the gender continuum. We prioritize submissions from womxn, trans, queer-identified writers, community voices and journalists.


Varies per article. 

We prioritize queries from creators who believe in our mission by demonstrating they have actually read a few articles in the magazine before submitting a query, or who are members of the Feminist Enterprise Commons, and/or become newsletter subscribers (it’s free).


Our 2500+ newsletter subscribers, 3500/month unique online readers and 14 000 social media followers span the gender and age spectrum (25% of our online audience are male) but are primarily women/women-identified feminist entrepreneurs, 25-55 years old, who self -identify as feminist or feminist curious, and are interested in operating transformational enterprises. LiisBeth readers are well-educated, informed lifelong learners who are concerned about social justice, the role of gender bias in our economy, racism, rising economic inequality and the environment. They are interested in imagining a gender and eco-just world and figuring out ways to get us there.

We’re interested in variety of types of content in any format including critical analysis, personal essays, cartoons, photo essays, short video reports and podcasts.  We are also interested in promoting and disseminating new research findings. In terms of geographical focus, we aim for a content balance of 20% Canadian, 60% North American, and 20% International.

We enjoy quality writing that is highly readable and creative. We encourage writers to tackle big and even controversial ideas but do so with wit, style, balance, and respect.  We are not an “angry” platform. Profanity – in context and if required – is acceptable.

Examples of the type of stories or themes we are particularly interested in this year: 


  • We generally do not accept previously published or finished works (i.e.: blog posts). Do not send full manuscripts or works please. 
  • We do not generally accept completed works or queries that are currently being considered by other publications.
  • If you want to pitch a story, we need a query or idea summary which includes a brief summary (150-250 words) plus the opening paragraph or nutgraph, who you plan to interview, and how you plan to go about researching for the piece (if appropriate). If you are new to us, please also send a sample of previously published or your best work from your blog or website.
  • If the idea is intriguing, we will want to engage with you to develop the idea further.   We’ll talk about your intended approach, length, and other relevant things. Please don’t send a whole manuscript to start.
  • If we accept your query, we will contact you to finalize story details and then send you a contract.  Once that is signed, the piece is officially commissioned.
  • Send queries and pitches and questions to [email protected] 
  • Include the word QUERY in the subject line.  This will increase speed of response.
  • We receive a high volume of article queries and regret that we cannot guarantee a timely response in every case. We will on average get back to you in 14 days.

To download our contributor guidelines in full, click here: CONTRIBUTOR-GUIDELINES-JANUARY-2020