You are visiting Liisbeth’s archives! 

Peruse this site for a history of profiles and insightful analysis on feminist entrepreneurship. 

And, be sure to sign up for’s newsletter where Liisbeth shares the latest news in feminist spaces.







I love how well-written and researched LiisBeth content is. Keep it up! This is good journalism.
–Reader, LiisBeth’s 2018 Reader Survey

“Feminism is not at all what my impression of it was. I love that its theoretical basis is inclusive, equitable, diverse and rooted in fairness.”
–Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum Participant, 2018

“I loved this article on Feminuity! These are exactly the kinds of articles I love. You bring me your in-depth understanding of all that is new and valuable on the
feminist frontline that I can consume quickly. It helps me understand better the state of feminism today.”
Astrid Pregel, President of Feminomics Inc., 2020

Yes! It’s true! is merging with as of April 1st. Please note that this website will be updated and available as usual.  However check-in or subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates! 

This merger means more quality feminist and aligned social movement news for you.  Stay tuned for updates! 


LiisBeth is a Canadian, women-led, membership based nonprofit, trans-inclusive intersectional feminist media enterprise with a global outlook based in tkaronto (Toronto), Ontario, the traditional lands of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabek, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit.

We publish an open-access monthly digital magazine (two-five features) and subscriber only newsletter for new economy women/LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs, creators, innovators, leaders and “solutionaries” working to build a liberated, fair, inclusive just economy. We also co-produce the Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum (EFF) and offer a membership-based online community space, the Feminist Enterprise Commons, where solutionaries can meet, share and learn.

Our stories make visible the work of the feminist economy.  We believe feminist, micro, social economy entrepreneurs, creators and community leaders or all genders, not billionaire-led/governed capitalist-values driven corporations will lead economic transformation.    

We interrogate and publish original, long form stories, videos, personal experience essays and photo essays about people working to reimagine business norms and bring about a just, care-centered economy. 

By writing about this work, we are also recording its history. 


Many values aligned activist groups ask for and encourage the signing and posting of solidarity statements by individuals and businesses to bring our community’s weight to bear on their work and cause.  In addition to showing our support in this way, we also work to learn, engage and amplify their messages on our social media channels and write about the issues in our newsletter and in our online magazine. 


The Canadian Digital Publishing Awards #DPA nominated us as a finalist for the 2020 General Excellence in Publishing (Small Publications Category). And in June, 2021, we won a silver award for our monthly newsletter!  

an image celebrating LiisBeths Silver Award for best editorial newsletter from DPA 2021
Liisbeth wins Silver in 2021 Canadian Digital Publishing Awards

In 2019, we were a finalist in the General Excellence in Digital Publishing category. 

Canadian Digital Publishing Awards 2020
What is a feminist entrepreneur or “solutionary”? Someone who is passionate about challenging the status quo and willing to get political to drive systemic change. Feminist entrepreneurs and creators are building a sustainable, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-oppressive and socially and eco just world by leveraging the power of love and powerful generativity of enterprise work. 

We are now a registered, member driven nonprofit.  We outsource operations to Eve-volution Inc. If you would like to weigh in on our editorial direction, complete the reader survey here. If you want to write for us, click here.

Our Vision: A socially just economy that centres care, equity, environmental restoration and flourishing for all beings.  #feministsforchange

Our Role: Create an innovative, sustainable intersectional, feminist media enterprise that: 1) Makes visible the feminist economy 2) Supports entrepreneurs who work at the intersections of feminism, social justice, and innovation; 3) Publishes researched and fact-checked narratives that stokes our imagination; 4) Ignites critical discourse and learning; 5) Create fair income and professional development opportunities for both experienced and emerging feminist journalists and writers.

Our Community

  • Freelance contributors, journalists, editors creators with stories that have the ability to ignite curiosity, elevate feminist discourse, speak truth to power, and inform.
  • Creative, bold, feminist-identified entrepreneurs, community organizers, policymakers, activists, investors, scholars, innovators, and artists of all genders who think beyond binaries, beyond colonization, beyond modern capitalism, beyond linearity, beyond short-term outcomes, and beyond the patriarchy. Over 20 percent of our readers identify as men.
  • LiisBethMX community members.
  • An ecosystem of supportive, engaged, allied, and aligned organizations, investors, philanthropists, activists, creators, institutional funders and suppliers.
  • Once-in-a-while site visitors who are feminist curious and beginning to question the world we live in.

Our Collective Resource Model

Both and depend on allied sponsors, paying subscribers and donors to fuel and sustain our work. Our goal is to create a thoughtful engaged diverse community that finds enough value in our spaces and the idea of women-led inquiry into a what a “post capitalist, non-patriarchal, anti-colonial and anti-white supremacist SME-led economy” might look like. For more about how we are governed, click here. For our entrepreneur’s manifesto, click here. If you are ready for news and views, sign up to our free newsletter today!

Our To-Do List

  • Publish an open-access digital magazine and subscriber-only monthly newsletter. Our original stories, op-eds, and columns aim to inspire, inform, and elevate feminist discourse, plus mobilize and nourish our reader community
  • Highlight, strengthen and support the innovative enterprise crafting work by creating a space for this community to gather, nourish and support each other. 
  • Speak truth to power—ethically and responsibly
  • Produce thought-provoking online meet-ups and offline events
  • Co-produce the Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum (EFFS) or similar events.
  • Facilitate change making by showcasing innovative feminist toolkits, current research, useful frameworks and post capitalist and feminist practice advice.
  • Show up and advocate for gender and social justice on behalf of our readers at every opportunity.
  • Create fair income and development opportunities for feminist editors, journalists, and writers.
  • Model post-capitalist (i.e.: post growth, non exploitative, non extractive market economies), non-patriarchal and post white supremacist ways of doing business. 
  • Offer the world a uniquely Canadian perspective on this type of work that is happening all over the globe.

Our Feminism

Feminism is a 200-plus-year-old multicultural, multi-national, intergenerational, pluralistic, post capitalist, contextually responsive, social justice–centred movement unified by one purpose: To create an environmentally healthy world without sexism, exploitation, and oppression.

Our space is unequivocally trans and queer-inclusive, anti-racist, intersectional, pro-choice, questioning, brave, compassionate, and safe. Our feminism lives at the intersection of visionary and eco-feminism and is informed by socialist feminism (systems change) and intersectional feminist theory. This means we work to re-imagine capitalism, support climate-change activism, and work to advance environmental justice. The stories we publish are selected for their potential to shift cultural narratives by helping to mainstream new ways of being, creating, and working in the world. We seek and publish stories which draws attention to issues, solutions, and new models which address systems and values that no longer serve people and planet. We work to uphold Indigenous rights.

We acknowledge feminism’s complicated history, all it’s teachers, and the fact that it has evolved significantly since the 1970s. We believe its diversity is it’s strength and is the foundation of its resilience as a movement. We acknowledge the movement has advanced gender equality, albeit unevenly. Not all women are feminists. Not all feminists are women. For a visionary definition of feminism by bell hooks, click here. For a short, new read about contemporary feminism, we recommend Feminism for the 99%. For new ideas about feminism in business, read Feminism: A New Idea for Business and Society by CV Harquail.  To learn about Canadian Black feminism, read Theorizing Empowerment: Canadian Perspectivies on Black Feminist Thought, an anthology edited by Notisha Massaquoi and Njoki Wane.

Examples of Entrepreneurial Feminist Changemakers?

Feminist changemakers strive to end gender-based oppression through their entrepreneurial actions. Examples of entrepreneurial feminist organizations in action include Emergent Strategy InstituteStocksyMoxie Trades, Her BraidsPowerbitchesGather, Feminist Art Collective, Feminuity, Lunapads (now called Aisle), The White Ribbon Campaign (started by three men), DriveHer, Alinker, Kelly Diels MarketingEllevate Network, Allied MediaSheEO, Fresh Collective, Feminists at Work, Don’t You Want Me, Eve-Medical, XXcelerate FundHerVolutionWomen on the Move, not to mention the many feminist media/press, environmental, health and wellness, art/design, culture-making and bookstore organizations in our respective communities.

Allied Indie Media Souls?

Bitch MediaYesBust, The Broad Side, Adbusters, Herizons, Ms. Magazine, just to name a few. We aim to collaborate with and support the broader growing feminist and social justice–leaning media ecosystem globally.

It’s here! LiisBeth’s Feminist Enterprise Commons, a new membership-based community of practice is now open! Click here to join!

Our Theory of Change

Micro and small/medium scale founders and enterprise work can, and has throughout history, amplified the voice of the people and when engaged and leveraged, can accelerate needed social, economic and political change.

Women/marginalized gender entrepreneurs are over-represented in social change work yet under supported and under recognized for this work.  We hope to change that. 

Why the Name LiisBeth?

LiisBeth was inspired by Stieg Larsson’s fictional character Lisbeth Salander in the global bestselling Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Lisbeth is a fictional character, but a complex status-quo-challenging total entrepreneurial badass, and ergo an inspiring feminist action hero for many real-world women. Salander fought male and female “oppressors” but also worked to fight the patriarchy, violence against women, racism, classism, fascism, and corruption. We also loved the company culture, activism, and journalistic ethos created by the story’s Millennium magazine.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson book promotion image


Toronto Based, Globally Minded

LiisBeth is based in tkaronto/Toronto (population 5.5 million) but we hold and nurture an inclusive, global perspective. Toronto is one of the world’s top startup cities and it’s heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the world. At present, Canada has a self-identified feminist government in power.

Call to Action: Become a Donor Subscriber Now!

Systemic change is a collective effort. Subscribe today. Enlist, contribute, and help fuel profound change.

Click here for more ways you can support us.

We work to advance the UN Sustainability Goals 2017 and are following current discussions about the UN Sustainability Goals 2030.




I love how well-written and researched LiisBeth content is. Keep it up! This is good journalism.
–Reader, LiisBeth’s 2018 Reader Survey

“Feminism is not at all what my impression of it was. I love that its theoretical basis is inclusive, equitable, diverse and rooted in fairness.”
–Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum Participant, 2018

“I loved this article on Feminuity! These are exactly the kinds of articles I love. You bring me your in-depth understanding of all that is new and valuable on the
feminist frontline that I can consume quickly. It helps me understand better the state of feminism today.”
Astrid Pregel, President of Feminomics Inc., 2020

Yes! It’s true! is merging with as of April 1st. Please note that this website will be updated and available as usual.  However check-in or subscribe to the newsletter for regular updates! 

This merger means more quality feminist and aligned social movement news for you.  Stay tuned for updates! 


LiisBeth is a Canadian, women-led, membership based nonprofit, trans-inclusive intersectional feminist media enterprise with a global outlook based in tkaronto (Toronto), Ontario, the traditional lands of the Wendat, the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinabek, and the Mississaugas of the New Credit.

We publish an open-access monthly digital magazine (two-five features) and subscriber only newsletter for new economy women/LGBTQIA+ entrepreneurs, creators, innovators, leaders and “solutionaries” working to build a liberated, fair, inclusive just economy. We also co-produce the Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum (EFF) and offer a membership-based online community space, the Feminist Enterprise Commons, where solutionaries can meet, share and learn.

Our stories make visible the work of the feminist economy.  We believe feminist, micro, social economy entrepreneurs, creators and community leaders or all genders, not billionaire-led/governed capitalist-values driven corporations will lead economic transformation.    

We interrogate and publish original, long form stories, videos, personal experience essays and photo essays about people working to reimagine business norms and bring about a just, care-centered economy. 

By writing about this work, we are also recording its history. 


Many values aligned activist groups ask for and encourage the signing and posting of solidarity statements by individuals and businesses to bring our community’s weight to bear on their work and cause.  In addition to showing our support in this way, we also work to learn, engage and amplify their messages on our social media channels and write about the issues in our newsletter and in our online magazine. 


The Canadian Digital Publishing Awards #DPA nominated us as a finalist for the 2020 General Excellence in Publishing (Small Publications Category). And in June, 2021, we won a silver award for our monthly newsletter!  

an image celebrating LiisBeths Silver Award for best editorial newsletter from DPA 2021
Liisbeth wins Silver in 2021 Canadian Digital Publishing Awards

In 2019, we were a finalist in the General Excellence in Digital Publishing category. 

Canadian Digital Publishing Awards 2020
What is a feminist entrepreneur or “solutionary”? Someone who is passionate about challenging the status quo and willing to get political to drive systemic change. Feminist entrepreneurs and creators are building a sustainable, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-oppressive and socially and eco just world by leveraging the power of love and powerful generativity of enterprise work. 

We are now a registered, member driven nonprofit.  We outsource operations to Eve-volution Inc. If you would like to weigh in on our editorial direction, complete the reader survey here. If you want to write for us, click here.

Our Vision: A socially just economy that centres care, equity, environmental restoration and flourishing for all beings.  #feministsforchange

Our Role: Create an innovative, sustainable intersectional, feminist media enterprise that: 1) Makes visible the feminist economy 2) Supports entrepreneurs who work at the intersections of feminism, social justice, and innovation; 3) Publishes researched and fact-checked narratives that stokes our imagination; 4) Ignites critical discourse and learning; 5) Create fair income and professional development opportunities for both experienced and emerging feminist journalists and writers.

Our Community

  • Freelance contributors, journalists, editors creators with stories that have the ability to ignite curiosity, elevate feminist discourse, speak truth to power, and inform.
  • Creative, bold, feminist-identified entrepreneurs, community organizers, policymakers, activists, investors, scholars, innovators, and artists of all genders who think beyond binaries, beyond colonization, beyond modern capitalism, beyond linearity, beyond short-term outcomes, and beyond the patriarchy. Over 20 percent of our readers identify as men.
  • LiisBethMX community members.
  • An ecosystem of supportive, engaged, allied, and aligned organizations, investors, philanthropists, activists, creators, institutional funders and suppliers.
  • Once-in-a-while site visitors who are feminist curious and beginning to question the world we live in.

Our Collective Resource Model

Both and depend on allied sponsors, paying subscribers and donors to fuel and sustain our work. Our goal is to create a thoughtful engaged diverse community that finds enough value in our spaces and the idea of women-led inquiry into a what a “post capitalist, non-patriarchal, anti-colonial and anti-white supremacist SME-led economy” might look like. For more about how we are governed, click here. For our entrepreneur’s manifesto, click here. If you are ready for news and views, sign up to our free newsletter today!

Our To-Do List

  • Publish an open-access digital magazine and subscriber-only monthly newsletter. Our original stories, op-eds, and columns aim to inspire, inform, and elevate feminist discourse, plus mobilize and nourish our reader community
  • Highlight, strengthen and support the innovative enterprise crafting work by creating a space for this community to gather, nourish and support each other. 
  • Speak truth to power—ethically and responsibly
  • Produce thought-provoking online meet-ups and offline events
  • Co-produce the Entrepreneurial Feminist Forum (EFFS) or similar events.
  • Facilitate change making by showcasing innovative feminist toolkits, current research, useful frameworks and post capitalist and feminist practice advice.
  • Show up and advocate for gender and social justice on behalf of our readers at every opportunity.
  • Create fair income and development opportunities for feminist editors, journalists, and writers.
  • Model post-capitalist (i.e.: post growth, non exploitative, non extractive market economies), non-patriarchal and post white supremacist ways of doing business. 
  • Offer the world a uniquely Canadian perspective on this type of work that is happening all over the globe.

Our Feminism

Feminism is a 200-plus-year-old multicultural, multi-national, intergenerational, pluralistic, post capitalist, contextually responsive, social justice–centred movement unified by one purpose: To create an environmentally healthy world without sexism, exploitation, and oppression.

Our space is unequivocally trans and queer-inclusive, anti-racist, intersectional, pro-choice, questioning, brave, compassionate, and safe. Our feminism lives at the intersection of visionary and eco-feminism and is informed by socialist feminism (systems change) and intersectional feminist theory. This means we work to re-imagine capitalism, support climate-change activism, and work to advance environmental justice. The stories we publish are selected for their potential to shift cultural narratives by helping to mainstream new ways of being, creating, and working in the world. We seek and publish stories which draws attention to issues, solutions, and new models which address systems and values that no longer serve people and planet. We work to uphold Indigenous rights.

We acknowledge feminism’s complicated history, all it’s teachers, and the fact that it has evolved significantly since the 1970s. We believe its diversity is it’s strength and is the foundation of its resilience as a movement. We acknowledge the movement has advanced gender equality, albeit unevenly. Not all women are feminists. Not all feminists are women. For a visionary definition of feminism by bell hooks, click here. For a short, new read about contemporary feminism, we recommend Feminism for the 99%. For new ideas about feminism in business, read Feminism: A New Idea for Business and Society by CV Harquail.  To learn about Canadian Black feminism, read Theorizing Empowerment: Canadian Perspectivies on Black Feminist Thought, an anthology edited by Notisha Massaquoi and Njoki Wane.

Examples of Entrepreneurial Feminist Changemakers?

Feminist changemakers strive to end gender-based oppression through their entrepreneurial actions. Examples of entrepreneurial feminist organizations in action include Emergent Strategy InstituteStocksyMoxie Trades, Her BraidsPowerbitchesGather, Feminist Art Collective, Feminuity, Lunapads (now called Aisle), The White Ribbon Campaign (started by three men), DriveHer, Alinker, Kelly Diels MarketingEllevate Network, Allied MediaSheEO, Fresh Collective, Feminists at Work, Don’t You Want Me, Eve-Medical, XXcelerate FundHerVolutionWomen on the Move, not to mention the many feminist media/press, environmental, health and wellness, art/design, culture-making and bookstore organizations in our respective communities.

Allied Indie Media Souls?

Bitch MediaYesBust, The Broad Side, Adbusters, Herizons, Ms. Magazine, just to name a few. We aim to collaborate with and support the broader growing feminist and social justice–leaning media ecosystem globally.

It’s here! LiisBeth’s Feminist Enterprise Commons, a new membership-based community of practice is now open! Click here to join!

Our Theory of Change

Micro and small/medium scale founders and enterprise work can, and has throughout history, amplified the voice of the people and when engaged and leveraged, can accelerate needed social, economic and political change.

Women/marginalized gender entrepreneurs are over-represented in social change work yet under supported and under recognized for this work.  We hope to change that. 

Why the Name LiisBeth?

LiisBeth was inspired by Stieg Larsson’s fictional character Lisbeth Salander in the global bestselling Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Lisbeth is a fictional character, but a complex status-quo-challenging total entrepreneurial badass, and ergo an inspiring feminist action hero for many real-world women. Salander fought male and female “oppressors” but also worked to fight the patriarchy, violence against women, racism, classism, fascism, and corruption. We also loved the company culture, activism, and journalistic ethos created by the story’s Millennium magazine.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson book promotion image


Toronto Based, Globally Minded

LiisBeth is based in tkaronto/Toronto (population 5.5 million) but we hold and nurture an inclusive, global perspective. Toronto is one of the world’s top startup cities and it’s heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the world. At present, Canada has a self-identified feminist government in power.

Call to Action: Become a Donor Subscriber Now!

Systemic change is a collective effort. Subscribe today. Enlist, contribute, and help fuel profound change.

Click here for more ways you can support us.

We work to advance the UN Sustainability Goals 2017 and are following current discussions about the UN Sustainability Goals 2030.